I took this photograph on December 15 in the woods behind our home and to me it symbolizes the title of this post "seeing the forest from the trees." There are a lot of trees out there.
It was fascinating to see that the word “forest” and the word “foreign” seem to have the same root, they come from the Latin word “foris” which seems to mean outside. Boy here we can dive head first into the politics of today here already but I will restrain myself. This evolved to “forestem silvam” or "outside wood" and to the French “forêt” translated as woods or forest. But as you see, it has to do something to do with wood (trees perhaps) and the outside. However, I do want to revisit the word foreign. I do think there has been this inherent fear of forests (hylophobia), or the dark forest especially at night or nyctohylophobia. We also have dendrophobia and xylophobia. Dendrophobia is the fear of trees and xylophobia is not the fear of xylophones but the fear of wood (wow doing research is fun).
Nyctohylophobia, it seems that according to a survey 18% of the U.S. population are afraid of dark wooded areas, while 41% would not want to spend time out alone at night in the woods. Not surprisingly women find the dark woods more scary than men (I got this information here). We all grew up with stories of big bad wolves living in the woods, and witches that imprisoned Hansel and Gretel. It is also where the criminal characters seem to hide. I learned this fascinating story how escaped slaves hid in the Great Dismal Swamp and created whole communities called maroons. They actually lived there relatively peaceful and sheltered away from the slave/bounty hunters until the end of slavery, no one dared to venture into the dark swampy woods.
I know the feeling, as a field biologist I felt apprehensive every time that I entered a stretch of forest for the very first time, never really sure what I would encounter. The slight feeling of fear would usually ebb away very quickly once I broke through the boundary of the woods and got into the interior and it was replaced with my curiosity and love for the area. In addition, we sometimes go night hiking in the woods behind our home (don’t tell the park rangers please). Yes, there is always this heightened alertness, a somewhat faster beating of the heart and that wonderment of wonder how many eyes are looking at us that we are not seeing. I particularly remember an early morning (5 am) hike, walks during snow storms, and a few hikes at night in the snow at full moon; they were exciting but scary to start with.
A photo I took during our evening "snow storm" hike in the woods behind our home. I used the head lamp to light-up the subject, although we hardly ever turn the lamp on. I really don't understand people who walk their dog at night with a flashlight, that would make me night blind and I just love to see the stars, clouds and even the deer trying to sneak away out of the yards.
I took this picture of our do Lucy during my 5 am hike through the woods. I used the head lamp again only to take this picture, going out is was dark, but it was so energizing. On the way back it was getting light.
The woods behind our home can be classified a number of ways: bottomland forest, coastal plain forest, mixed coniferous forest, you name it. Originally, they were not unlike some of the area of the Great Dismal Swamp. They were cleared in early colonial time to grow tobacco and then to fight all kinds of revolutionary and civil war battles. But does it all really matter? Parts are now a nature preserve and our yard runs into it. As I discussed in various posts the preserve was established for the Mabee salamanders which is an endangered species. These guys need ephemeral or vernal ponds and the woods behind our home are littered with them; we call them Grafton ponds.
Some of the common woody species we have back there include loblolly pine, Virginia pine, red maple, white oak, overcup oak, willow oak, black gum, tulip trees, tupelo, hickory, beech, sassafras, sourwood, holly, dogwoods, and blueberry. There are also a lot of ferns and a smattering of other plants. From the looks of it, these woods are approximately 50 to 100 years old. There are a few large trees around, a few oaks, tulip trees, and beech trees.
We have lived in our current home since 2000 and spent time in the woods ever since. It is a bit buggy out there in the summer months, and regretfully, we spend too little time back there in the period between mid-April and late September. Early spring there are too many ticks to be replaced by mosquitoes in the summer and early fall and supplemented by chiggers in August and September. Every year I promise myself to spray my legs, pants etc and ignore these critters and keep on enjoying the woods, but I just hate the smell of these sprays, and I hate having to leave the dogs at home; but they would be covered by ticks. I have gone out at times and I still love it, but if you have ever been bitten by chiggers, you know. We also bike through it so now and then in summer and that is a way to avoid them. Having said it, I do have a lot of experience with these and other forests in the area, having worked as a field biologist before my current job. I miss being out there, and that is why I spend a lot of my free time in the woods.
These are the most relevant blog posts about the woods behind our home that discuss something biological, ecological or management related:
Yorktown (11/8/2013) Bugs, Nature Deficit disorder, Walks with my dogs
Yorktown (12/15/2013) Shedding of branches, Trees
Yorktown (12/31/2013) Coyotes, Mabee salamanders
Yorktown (1/11/2014) Mabeee salamanders
Yorktown Battlefield (2/7/2014) Deer
Yorktown (2/16/2014) Birds
Yorktown (3/3/2014) Evolution, Mabee salamanders, Ephemeral ponds, Vernal pools
Yorktown Battlefield National Park (3/15/2014) Decay, Natural balance, Trees
Newport News Park (3/19/2014) Owls
Newport News Park (3/21/2014) Wetlands, Headwaters, Lowlands, Nature deficit disorder
Newport News Park (3/28/2014) Frogs, Mabee salamanders
Yorktown (4/19/2014) Pine pollen, Spring
Newport News Park (10/12/2014) Mushrooms, Mycorrhizae
Beautyberry (10/14/2014) Beautyberry
Newport News Park (10/19/2014) Moss, mushroom
Newport News Park (11/18/2014) Fall leaves, tree species deer
Yorktown (12/23/2014) Lichen
Newport News Park (1/4/2015) Deer, coyotes, wolves, biodiversity
Newport New Park (1/9/2015) Trees, salamanders, ephemeral ponds, Grafton ponds
Newport News Park (2/7/2015) Trees, beech, oak, forestry, salamander
Newport News Park (2/17/2015) Succession, birds, winter wren, winter, snow
Newport News Park (3/24/2015) Forest management, deer
Yorktown (11/11/2015) Fall, leaves, litter
A walk in the woods, the naturalists have it (Yorktown, 12/22/2016) Description of the woods behind my home
Dog-hairs in the woods (3/16/2017) Forest management, thinning, politics
No, it does not have to be perfect (10/13/2017) Photos, explanations
Too many hobbies?: Bonsai lessons in the woods (11/28/2017) Trees, roots, forest management, bonsai
Leaves, leaves everywhere (12/8/2017) Litter, fall, leaves
Forest bathing II (12/22/2017) Spider, trees, deer, birds, leaves, litter
Forest canopy (1/10/2018) Trees, forest management