Friday, September 26, 2014

Cape Charles (9/26/2014)

Traveling to the eastern shore of Maryland, we stopped at Cape Charles for lunch.  Cape Charles is a nice little town, absolutely worth visiting by car or by boat.  I wanted to see what people in our yacht club meant when they said you could just walk across the tracks to go out and eat/party.

Driving into town we noticed two buildings with similar architecture and a roof with blue shingles.  Both were abandoned and for sale.  On further investigation they were abandoned gas's stations/garages.  The information on the buildings said that they dated from the 1920s.  It would be really nice to restore and use for a restaurant or even a residences.  However, being in environmental consulting, I know what a risk these two properties may pose.  Location tells me that the groundwater plume of potential contamination may be very different between the two buildings.  This is partially based on soils and geology.  And then to think about all the lead based paint!  Fun too think about and absolutely the reason why they are both abandoned.  Must be a steal if you want them (and then pay out of your nose to clean up the soi).  Regardless, I love the architecture of these two buildings or just the town.

Anyway, Cape Charles is a great place to visit and have lunch.  We definitively need to include it in one of our sailing adventures!

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