Well, we finally got rid of the red faced dictator today (this was written yesterday). It felt good. We celebrated with binge watching, champagne, and pizza. The little dictator snuck out off town like a defeated looser. Good riddance and let the healing begin.
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Us toasting to the swearing in of the new president. Folks have asked me what happened to my mask. I had just given the champagne glasses to the wife and her father and returned to put the bottle in the fridge. On my way back from the fridge I had take a sip when my wife asked me to come over for a selfie. I forgot to pull my mask back up. Sorry no overt message here! (Photo by my wife). |
Yes, I understand that these are no healing words that I just typed. I am sorry, I should be kinder. I promise that I will, start trying in my next post, or just a little later in this one. But it feels so good to get rid of this liar, this narcissist, this con-man; I can go on. It is just such a shame that there are still so many people that believe him and blindly follow him. I was listening to a podcast from the New York Times yesterday called "the Daily" where they talked about the Trump followers and what they think and would do now. In interviews some mentioned succession. Others mentioned that when they saw strangers they now wondered whether they were Republican or Democrats. Truthfully, I have wondered that sometimes as well, especially at the beginning of COVID when you saw people without face masks. I wrote about it here, although that was more about their preexisting conditions.
So yes I sincerely hope we can, as Biden put it, start living like neighbors and not like enemies or adversaries. Neighbors can have their differences but can talk it out and come to a compromise.
Well, where to go from here. I promise that in future my blogs will return to "normal" or to what I have always intended for this blog: a reflection of me; my travels (through the state) when that starts again; my photography (I will soon be getting a new Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, which should be loads of fun ... a 160 MP camera); my bonsai, my love of nature and the environment; and finally my love of teaching and training. I will most likely sprinkle an occasional gripe about politics in there, especially when it impacts these loves or other personal things, but I promise I will try to get of my political soap box.
But damn, that champagne tasted good.
P.s. this title was stolen from a comment from reverent Andrew from our UU church.