Not sure why I have not written in my blog for such a long time. It is not because I am depressed; however, I think I lack the motivation and external stimulation. “What” you may say, most of us are over-stimulated by all the events happening in the news. Let’s look at them all:
- We are looking at hurricane Delta, which is aiming for New Orleans or somewhere around there.
- Trump has COVID-19 and is acting like a baboon. Moreover, it seems that he has become a super spreader and is proud of it.
- Talking about baboons, if you had the stomach as I did to watch the first presidential debate, you know what I mean. On the other hand you may wish to buy a fly swatter.
- It looks like the entire western U.S.A. is on fire.
- And, let us not forget Jerry Falwell, one of the subjects of a post of mine earlier this year, was fired from Liberty University, in Lynchburg. Best of all, because he enjoyed watching his wife having sex with other (younger) men.
These are just few of the wonderful things going on around us and I am sure there is so much more I can mention, or you can come up with. Maybe I should mention that we have an election coming up. While I am a news junky, when push comes to shove, and it is the end of the day, I just want to veg out and watch a YouTube bonsai show, or play a Sudoku game. I simply forget to update you all about my life. Oh well, my excuses for not keeping you apprised of my life’s events. I telework, and sit behind my computer somewhat around 7 hours every day. The other morning while walking Jasper the dog, one of my neighbors was complaining when I commented what a beautiful day it was. “Who cares, I have to go sit behind my computer for 8 hours,” Ed said. I reminded him that he could always take a break and briefly step away as I do. I water my bonsai, and we eat lunch out on the deck. Still, I feel depressed at times. But then, I am not depressed all the time; overall, I am doing ok. My world has just become very small. I have been to Richmond twice, and my other trips consist of going to the grocery store and picking up my father-in-law for dinner. We have our daily walks around the block, and of late we have started going to a dog park in Williamsburg which we sometimes end with a visit to one of the microbreweries. We choose the on closest to the dog park, that has outdoor seating and is the least known or popular, but has a pretty darn good IPA.
Our regular brewery stop in Williamsburg (the Brass Cannon Brewery). They make some decent beer and a killer IPA. |
So what work things have I been doing since the last time I wrote? I have developed and presented a few webinars where I talk about soil and vegetation restoration and one about vermin in our stormwater structures. I have also converted some of my regular classes to web-based classes. They keep me in touch with the outside world. On a personal we have kayaked twice, I have hand split a huge oak that had fallen in the neighbor's yard, and redid our deck (almost). As you should have seen I even did a sermon at church. So no, I did not sit still. I just have enough of this, and I can imagine that many do and want to break out, don't care if they get sick and want to believe that jerk in the White House who claims is is less severe than the flu. But don't get fooled folks, it is a killer. I'll write ssome more about me and my thoughts soon.
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