
Monday, March 14, 2022

When the rich wage war it's the poor who die (3/14/2022)

When the rich wage war it's the poor who die” is a quote by the French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre. Now we all know that Putin is filthy rich and has secret bank accounts all over the world, but somehow, I don’t think this is why he started the war in Ukraine. Yes, he mentioned some bogus or false excuse for starting it. Moreover, he is able to control the Russian media with his message (this weekend he shut down Instagram to the Russian people). In addition to being a war criminal, he is a gaslighter. I am sure tRump must be jealous!

From my end it looks like Putin started the war from a more ideological origin than a financial one as Sartre concludes. He seems to want to cobble the old Russia back together, while using some strange pretext or outright lie. And who suffers? The soldiers from both sides. Russian soldiers who are dying, deserting, not knowing what or why they are doing what they are doing. Neither do their loved ones at home. Let’s not forget all the Ukrainian people. They suffer even worst. Their homes, hospitals, schools etc. are indiscriminately bombed.

It are the poor, the innocent who die for a cause of a few, maybe one deranged leader and his misguided ideas. He or they are not only rich and therefore hungry for power, this time he is also insane. This has to stop!

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