
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Spring 2022 (3/20/2022)

While still consumed by what’s going on in Eastern Europe, life goes on. Spring is making itself known in spurts. As I write this, today it going to be 72˚ or 22 centigrade. Tomorrow they are predicting around 80 or 26.5 (remember I always edit my posts a few days). As I mentioned my travel schedule has picked up, and soon I’ll be writing a special anniversary post about that.

For us here the news has been that my favorite aunt has died at 94. She lived in the Netherlands, and we did not have a chance to say goodbye or even see her. We had planned to travel to Europe two years ago and then again last year, but COVID got in the way. My aunt always had time for me; she was interested in what was going on in my life and even served as the mother in absentia for a half year when I lived with them when I was 16 and we were about to move from the Caribbeans to Holland and my parents send me ahead in order not to miss the beginning of the new school year.

At home I am working on the repotting of my bonsai trees. They are leafing out, and if I don’t finish soon, it will be too late. This weekend of the summer solstice I reported probably six or seven trees. This includes raking out the roots, pruning the roots, mixing my soil, and then potting the plants up again. Some of them have been in the same pot for three years or longer and it was time.

We are also trying to spruce up the house in expectation of our daughter’s wedding this summer. My father-in-law also still needs tending and care. That on top of two full time jobs is keeping us out of trouble.

We just got back from a memorial service and picknick for a dear friend who died on Christmas eve. Bob was one of the most beloved men in our church community. He was one of the most empathic listeners that we knew, and it seemed that he had regular meetings with a lot of folks, either at Barnes and Nobles, Panera or at a restaurant for a beer. One thing is sure, I want to be like Bob when I grow up.

Oh well. Just a minor update. A week being reminded of two persons who passed that were very dear to me, who were overflowing with empathy, and all I could do was write this messily blog in remembrance to them and meditate over my bonsais.

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