
Thursday, December 2, 2021

The Debate Du-Jour (12/02/2021)

Ok, here I am getting into the debate du-jour and telling you nothing, that you have not heard, and that has not been said before. However, just for the sake of history and since I see this blog as a reflection of what I see that is going on in society and my opinion of it, I feel I need to chime in. The abortion issue, that is now in front of the Supreme Court.

So let me put it out there: Essentially, I am anti-abortion, but pro-choice. What, how is that possible. Well in my ideal world, abortion would not often be needed. There would be perfect family planning, without hiccups, there would be no rape or incest, we would have great healthcare and the mother’s health would never be in danger, and we would have done free genetic testing before hand to know whether a pregnancy would result in an abnormal fetus.  However, we do not live in utopia, do we?

The problem is that too many conservative men and yes, also women want to control the lives of others. They believe in less government when it comes to healthcare, gun control, taxes, what you can do on your property, vaccinations, you name it; however, they do want the government to control what you do in your bedroom. It is just like what the mother of the latest mass murderer of the Oxford high school wrote in an open letter to then president elect tRump. I am paraphrasing here, she wrote that she was looking forward to him cleaning up Washington from those politicians who are fucking her in the ass, because as a middleclass working mom she would “rather be grabbed in the pussy.”

I am personally so sick and tired of hearing these folks being pro death penalty and then turn around and talking about the sanctity of life. Wanting to save blobs of tissue in a womb that were put there by a rapist, an abusive uncle, stepfather, boyfriend of their mother, you name it. Then when it is brought to term, the mother and baby can rot in hell. They are not given any support, because the pro-lifers do not believe in healthcare for all. Remember how they fought Obamacare? They are too poor to feed the child and let us make sure to cut food assistance programs, and fight all other welfare programs. That child does not need three meals a day or a coat on cold days, that makes them weak! We definitely have to cut education and not raise minimum wages.

Many of these folks have a nice story to tell (life is sacred, etc.), but they simply do not care. They may wish to adopt one of these babies if it is the correct race and mother did not use drugs. But, for the rest, stick them in a ghetto, loosen the gun control rules and have them kill each other, get a drug overdose or stick them in jail. That is a way of getting rid of them while still feeling good about ourselves and being pro-life. It is simply callus what they are doing, and why? Just to make themselves feel good, because of some internal frustration or guilt, because of some false deity they believe in? Who knows? Maybe it is because they want to control us.

The problem is, the way the conservatives have stacked the Supreme Court, they are going to win and society is going to lose. Remember the latest opinion poll shows that something like 63% of the U.S. population is pro-choice and our religious Taliban is increasingly trying to control us. We need to fight back and that is what I am trying to do here in this post!

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