
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Life goes on (2/28/2023)

Well, life goes on. I have resumed my somewhat regular activities, including walking the dogs in the morning, feeding them and going upstairs and getting behind the computer to work. The main difference is the nice monitor I commandeered from my late father-in-law’s desk. It is much better than the old flat screen TV that I was using as monitor. Oh well, a small piece of my inheritance.

This past week was the first time I was teaching again, and it felt good after a three-week hiatus. I had a few issues, on the second day my computer microphone seemed to lock up with the external webcam. This really highlighted the need for a backup when you webcast.

The weather has been extremely strange; weekends are outright chilly while it has been balmy during the week. It got to 80 degrees this week. The temperatures in my greenhouse got up to 102 at one point with the door and window wide open. My bonsai trees are leafing out which is distressing to me. I need to repot and I do not have enough pots, soil, or time. Moreover, folks in the neighborhood are donating trees to me. I had put the word out that I grow bonsai and if they had either potted plants they did not want or shrubs or small trees they were digging up, I would love to take possession of them and torture them. These past two weeks I received seven plants that required urgent root work, potting and pruning. This to the determent of my own trees.

This is all on top of a room full of furniture and other stuff from my father-in-law’s apartment that we had to vacate. We now need to decide what we want to keep, exchange for the old crap we have (my father-in-law had impeccable taste) and what we want to donate where. Let’s not talk about the fact that my travel starts up again. Let the excitement begin!

Four weeks in it still feels strange having lost a close member of the family. However, life goes on. The strangest things include life events that you cannot share, or simply going to the grocery store and not having to buy those items you used to have to buy for him. It is an anxious time in a way for my wife, the will, his worldly goods, his taxes, and trying to morn. On top of that we need to make arrangements for a memorial service, our retirement and apply for pensions and social security. We live in stressful times. But this too shall pass we hope.

I can find solace in nature, walking with my dogs, and working on my trees. That keeps me going. Life is stressful right now, somewhat insane at times, but what is the alternative? It goes on whether we like it or not!

Walking in the woods help me regain or maintain my sanity in these interesting times.

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