
Sunday, May 8, 2022

Women are to be bred! (5/8/2022)

Women are to be bred! Women have been put on earth to make babies and that is it! Good news, men; stack up on the Viagra that is what appears to be coming down from the Supreme Court. Women, when and if you are of a fertile age, get on you back and open wide.

Oops, hold on, maybe stack up on those pills so you can go a few times in one evening but that will be it for a few years. Soon, sex will only be for procreation. Only those few times a year when your woman is fertile, because soon sex will only be for procreation and not for fun; only to make babies. God forbid when she gets pregnant when it is not wanted, what do you do then? So, for the rest of the year, you better take pills that suppress your sexual drive or needs and she better takes some too. You can take those Viagras once a month to get her pregnant and once it hits, that’s it! When you have enough kids you might as well have them cut off; sterilization does not reduce the sex drive (I am told). One solution would be polygamy!

Oh well, if you have been following the news, you know what I am referring to. The Supreme Court seems to be on the cusp to give the right to make abortion illegal, or in other words take the rights away from women (and their men and doctors) to decide that it might be wise not to continue a pregnancy at times. It is insane.

If this all comes to pass, some states will make all types of pregnancy termination illegal. Word is that the state of Louisiana wants to make and pregnancy termination a crime. My wife and my sister both had tubal pregnancies. These pregnancies would have killed them if they were not terminated. In fact, my wife almost died, and my sister’s ex husband tried to stop the termination of the pregnancy. Even these types of terminations would be illegal in some states which would result in the death of the mother and the already non-viable fetus.

You get the idea, this is ridiculous. Therefore, in this very brief post, I just want to log my dismay with the news and hope you all do not take it laying down!

I borrowed this picture from the editorial page of the Washington Post (if the Post or author of the cartoon reads my blog and does not want me to publish it let me know and I will remove it).  However; it speaks to everything I and my blog believe in!

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