
Monday, April 18, 2022

Disagreement (4/18/2022)

All right, somewhat of a disagreement ensued at home when I told a neighbor that I was not interested in using another neighbor’s services because he and his wife were rabid tRump supporter in the past. In fact, at one point they had more than ten tRump for president signs in their yard. Donna thought I should be more neighborly, tolerant, less rabid myself and just tell him I was not interested instead of trying to explain myself.

I had an additional reason for it, he was the person who actually tried to pick a fight with me on Facebook when I posted an article on our community’s site about the importance of trees. He was so proud of cutting the 15 trees in his front yard. It is always nice to see that tRumpers have plenty of funds to finance the cutting of their trees and then pay for the air conditioning bills for the added heat in their homes. I am just appalled by their blatant disregard of the environment. On top of that, landscaping, hell no! Their property still looks like crap, and I was able to identify their son as one of the vandals of one of my posts before.

Armageddon cannot come soon enough for these folks. Anything they seems to be after is to hurry up the destruction of the earth. Who gives a shit? As long as you go down to hell with as much money, who knows, you might need it down there, either to keep up with the Jones or to bribe the devil or his cronies. Oh, maybe it is heaven they think they will be going to, or is there really such a thing? Wishful thinking folks, when you are dead, you are dead, and you cannot take anything with you!

The problem is what you leave behind, an environmental Armageddon where your kids can’t breath clean air; have to live underground because of the depleted atmosphere that cannot filter out the cancer causing UV radiation; and have not enough food because of the drought and heat brought on by the global warming that was cause by your greed for money and environmental off-handedness? Look at the bright side, you will not be able to see that you great grand children will have mutated into ducklike creatures with webbed feet and have scaly skins like lizards. This is why I have become somewhat bigoted against people who wear that stupid ex-president, wannabe dictator on their sleeves.

I am not against Republicans per-see, some are reasonable; but I am done with that bunch that is trying to take away women’s right to choose; change the country’s history by denying slavery because it makes white people feel bad, who cares that blacks feel bad about it; change voting rights; and pull all kinds of other crap to keep the power in the hands of a few powerful with men. However, I am particular against folks that are climate change deniers, those that are cavalier about the environment, about nature and trees. So yes, I will be somewhat vocal at times; I am (not) sorry!

Mommy, can I go play at the surface. No dear, you just had a growth spurt and shed your skin and it is more sensitive to the radiation. But why mommy, I want to play outside. One hundred years ago sweetheart conservative rich people only cared about money, status, and power. They did not want to acknowledge that they could not take that with them when they died. As a result, the environment is poisoned, and humans have mutated. As a result, we can no longer live on the surface or spend there for a long time. The radiation is bad, and the air is bad. That is why we are only allowed to spend less than an hour on the surface. Thank goodness some inventive folks were able to harvest energy that allowed us to live and survive underground, but we have no idea how many other human communities remain on earth and how they live.

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